Our Charitable Areas

These are some areas in need that are close to our hearts. Join us to make a change!

Accessible Mobility

Help children get their own mobility assistance. From wheelchairs to walkers, we aim to raise funds for those in need. See our project!

Cancer Treatment

Cancer is indiscriminate. We believe in assisting everyone as quickly as possible to get the proper treatment they need.

Hearing Impairment

In South Africa, cochlear implants are very expensive. The aim here is to assist with fund raising for implants to those in need.

Elderly Care

To assist our elderly where possible.

Sport And Disability

To raise funds for equipment and training for those who wish to partake in sport while having an impairment.

Our Story

Our Story

All you need to breathe, is just one lung, all you need to walk, is just one lung. Experiencing a life changing loss made us realise that we have more to give than we realised. Living our best life is to live in the service of others.

Today we celebrate our champion 'OneLungBandit' and encourage everyone to get involved and help where you can, when you can!

Read more


Introducing some of our LungRunners
Corne Rautenbach
Corne Rautenbach
OneLungBandit & Founder
Bertus Goosen
Bertus Goosen
Reinet Barnard
Reinet Barnard
Gabri van Kradenburg
Gabri van Kradenburg

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